Trade Mark
A trademark is a mark that distinguishes the products/services of one entity from those of others in the market. A trademark may be represented in many formats including words, designs, letters, characters, numerals, packagings, trade dress, colours, 3-dimensional representation, sounds or smells.
A patent protects an innovative invention by way of a monopoly right to exploit it and stop others from exploiting it without authorisation. The patent system in Hong Kong is unique in that it comprises both an original registration system in the form of short term patents and re-registration of patents granted in UK or China.
Copyright is a unique intellectual property right because it comes into existence on original creation of any work. No registration in Hong Kong is required before one can enforce it. Copyright subsists in many categories of work including: literary works; dramatic works; musical works; artistic works; sound recordings; films; broadcasts; cable programmes; and typographical arrangements of published editions.
Registered design protects the visible aesthetic features of shape, pattern, ornamentation or configuration of an article.